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Isshin Dotai Aikido Grading Syllabus


5th Kyu Yellow Belt

- Gyaku Katate Tori / Diagonal Wrist Grab

Nage Waza / Throwing Techniques
- Shiho Nage / 4 Corner Throw.
- Irimi Nage / Entering Throw.
- Tenchi Nage / Heaven & Earth throw.
- Kote Gaeshi / Outward Wrist Turn.
- Kaiten Nage / Rotary Throw.
- Kokyu Nage / Breathe Power throw.
- Irimi Nage, Sokumen / Sideways throw.
- Sumi O Toshi / Corner Drop.

Katame Waza / Immobilization Techniques
- Ikkyo, 1st Pin - Ude Osae / Arm Pin.
- Nikkyo, 2nd Pin - Kote Mawashi / Wrst Inward.
- Sankyo, 3rd Pin - Kote Hinari / Wrist Control.
- Yonkyo, 4th Pin - Tekubi Osae / Wrist Pin.
- Hiji Jime - Ude Garami / Elbow Lock.

- Breakfalls forward and backward.

Tai Sabaki
- Body Evasion Movements.




4th Kyu Orange Belt

- Katate Tori / Paralell Wrist Grab.

- Irimi Tsuki / Entering Thrust

- Tembem Nage / Tipping Scales Throw.
- Goshi Nage / Hip Throw.
- Hiji Ate, Kokyunage / Elbow Throw.


Nage Waza / Throwing Techniques
- All 8  throwing techniques.

- Irimi Tsuki / Entering Thrust

- Tembem Nage / Tipping Scales Throw.
- Goshi Nage / Hip Throw.
- Hiji Ate, Kokyunage / Elbow Throw

Katame Waza / Immobilization Techniques
- All 5 pinning techniques.


3rd Kyu Green Belt

- Ryote Tori / Both wrists held.
- Ushiro Ryote Tori / Both wrists held, rear.
- Mune Tori / Lapel grab.
- Ryote Mune Tori / Both lapels held.
- Shomen Uchi / Vertical head strike.

- select 4 Nage and Katame waza.from each attack.
- Understanding of Irimi and Tenkan to be demonstrated.

Jo Tori
- Staff taking x3 techniques from Kaeshi Tsuki, Shomen Uchi and Yokomen Uchi.

Jo Waza
- As many techniques as you can remember

Tanto Waza
- Knife technique x3 from Mune Tsuki, Shomen Uchi and Yokomen Uchi.


2nd Kyu Blue Belt


- As many techniques as you can remember, to include:
- Mune Tsuki / Abdomen punch.
- Men Tsuki / Face punch.

Shomen Uchi
- Vertical head strike.

Yokomen Uchi
- Horizontal head strike.

- All 17 Nage and Katame waza.
- Teach a basic technique and show the class.

Jo Kata
- Staff patterns 13 Jo Awase, 31 Jo Kata and 20 Jo Suburi.

Jo Waza - 
- 10 Techniques of your choice.

Bokken -
- Wooden sword forms.
- Kesa Giri Wadi / Vertical head cut.
- Kesa Giri / Diagnoal cut.
- Happo Undo, 8 directions, both cuts.


1st Kyu Brown Belt

Attack - Randori
- Freestyle. x3 attackers. Variation and control to be shown.

- Jo tori
- Jo waza
- Jo kata.

Ken Tai Jo
- Jo against bokken, 5 techniques.

Bokken Kumi Tachi
- 6 defensive forms from Kesa Giri Wadi attack.

Kashima Shinryu
- Kihon Dachi, Basic 5 forms.

Batto Jutsu
- Basic 5 draw, cut and resheathing technique.
- Happo Undo - both cuts.


1st Dan Black Belt

All aspects of other grading to be included. Correct posture, timing, distance and general good attitude have to be observed and taken into account. Understanding of basic knowledge, integration and respect for others. Confidence in weapons handling, and an ability to coach are also important.

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